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404 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, AR

Before You Book


As a parent-to-be, you’re facing a lot of adjustments: new interests, new anxieties, new habits and routines, even a new name—all of them related to your kid. But you’re more than just Mom or Dad! You’re a unique, vibrant, complete individual—and that won’t change, even when the rest of your life does. More than 200 entertaining writing prompts will inspire you to create a perfect gift for a curious kid and teach them that parents are people too. Fill them in on details like: The coolest place you ever traveled Something that makes you mad Your best-hidden talent Your secret hideout as a kid The greatest costume you ever wore And more questions they might never think to ask! With prompts about your memories, your feelings and values, your goals and dreams, and everything that makes you a special person, Before You is a gift for every type of family—one that will only become more treasured as your child grows.